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BRIDGE THE GAP METHOD is a combination of different tools and strategies, to clear and calm the mind so we can connect to our heart again, our intuition.    The root basis for this method is EVERYTHING BEGINS WITH A THOUGHT, AND NOTHING IS CREATED WITHOUT ONE.   Therefore we are able to create the life we want.   We just need to find the hidden thoughts that stop us.   I use a combinations of 3 modalities listed below.


BRIDGE THE GAP METHOD is a combination of different tools and strategies, to  clear and calm the mind so we can connect to our heart again, our intuition.   
Therefore we are able to create the life we want.   We just need to find the hidden thoughts that stop us.   I use a combinations of 3 modalities listed below.

 THE MODEL -Curiosity around our thoughts.  I like to think of this as being a detective and getting to the root - finding your specific Self Sabotaging thoughts (Saboteurs). The thoughts we don't know exist.  

POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE  - This encompasses the ability to bounce back from a negative emotion getting to neutral fast instead of it drumming up more fear, anxiety, and overwhelm. We do this by finding the self sabotaging thoughts and changing the neural pathways around them.

GEO LOVE HEALING  - Just as we get stuck with our mindset, we can have stuck energy that we hold in our bodies. This modality is about CLEARING and MOVING the stuck energy we hold.  These stuck energies can be caused by trauma, outside influences, generational transferral, and just simple thoughts... you guessed it, the ones we don't know exist.   

The method

Would you like to learn more about 
these moddalities?  click below  

Positive Intelligence is a way of coaching created by Shirzad Chamine. 
 We first find your specific Saboteurs, which are the voices in your head that generate negative emotions as you handle life’s everyday challenges. They represent the automatic patterns in your mind for how to think, feel, and respond. YOUR SABOTEURS CAUSE ALL OF YOUR: 



If you would like to find out your Saboteurs, press the blue button below:

Positive Intelligence is a way of coaching created by Shirzad Chamine. 
 We first find your specific Saboteurs, which are the thoughts in your head that generate negative emotions as you handle life’s everyday challenges. They represent the automatic patterns in your mind for how to think, feel, and respond. Your Saboteurs cause all of your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They sabotage your performance, wellbeing, and relationships.
There are  10 Saboteurs:


 We build awareness around our Sabateurs, and learn how to use them for us instead of against us.   For sustained results, we focus on building neural pathways that form lasting newhabits. We call this  “mental fitness.” Just like we go to the gym to keep up on our physical fitness, with mental fitness  we also go to the gym, to increase our mental fitness.
With  Mental Fitness, we work on developing three core muscles:  


Positive Intelligence

If you would like to find out your Saboteurs, pres sthe blue button below

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The model is a tool I use from the Life Coach School created by Brooke Castillo.    I look at the Model like an algorythm to finding your thoughts. 
Let me explain more, because if you don't know anything about thought work, this may sound crazy.  You might be saying   "I don't know what I am  thinking?   Of course I do, its my mind"

Well, like Positive Intelligence, there are deep rooted thoughts that we don't know exist.  Finding those thoughts... self sabataging thoughts, is key to changing the neural pathways, the spin cycle in our brain that keeps on spinning.  

Think of a rubiks cube.   Unless you are a rocket scientist or a mathemetician, you will never figure out how to solve the rubiks cube.   What you can do though,  is go on You Tube and learn the algorythms,  then solve the rubiks cube.  

The model is a tool I use from the Life Coach School created by Brooke Castillo.    I look at the Model like an algorythm to finding your thoughts. 
Let me explain more, because if you don't know anything about thought work, this may sound crazy.  You might be saying   "I don't know what I am  thinking?   Of course I do, its my mind"

Well, like Positive Intelligence, there are deep rooted thoughts that we don't know exist.  Finding those thoughts... self sabataging thoughts, is key to changing the neural pathways, the spin cycle in our brain that keeps on spinning.  

Think of a rubiks cube.   Unless you are a rocket scientist or a mathemetician, you will never figure out how to solve the rubiks cube.   What you can do though,  is go on You Tube and learn the algorythms,  then solve the rubiks cube.  

The model

  Same with your thoughts. Your deep rooted thoughts will continue to create your same results that keep you stuck and cause you anxiety, fear, anger, sadness, overwhelm.... the list goes on. Once we use the the Model, (the algorythm ) we find those thoughts that you don't know your thinking, expose them, decide if they are a fact or fiction.   If they are fiction... then the good news is you can change a thought.   

Here is a sneak peek on how this works:

A situation happens, and we have a thought about it, that thought creates an emotion, that emotion creates a response / action, that response / action creates a result.    Half the time we don't know the thought that is creating the action.   Do you see how this works?  If we don't know what we are thinking, but keep having the emotions ( fear ) that creates an action (avoidance), we get a result... not moving forward, because we are avoiding.    

  Same with your thoughts. Your deep rooted thoughts will continue to create your same results that keep you stuck and cause you anxiety, fear, anger, sadness, overwhelm.... the list goes on. Once we use the the Model, (the algorythm ) we find those thoughts that you don't know your thinking, expose them, decide if they are a fact or fiction.   If they are fiction... then the good news is you can change a thought.   

Here is a sneak peek on how this works:

A situation happens, and we have a thought about it, that thought creates an emotion, that emotion creates a response / action, that response / action creates a result.    Half the time we don't know the thought that is creating the action.   Do you see how this works?  If we don't know what we are thinking, but keep having the emotions ( fear ) that creates an action (avoidance), we get a result... not moving forward, because we are avoiding.    

"Chocolate cake soufflé cheesecake tart gummies. Brownie cupcake tiramisu dragée."

Emily loves this service because...

"Soufflé cheesecake tart gummies. Brownie cupcake candy poptart brownie tiramisu dragée."

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Geo Love is a succession of tools and energy clearing methods that was created by Oliver Niño It is an energy healing modality that teaches individuals how to  master their energy, unblock themselves from mental, emotional, and energetic blocks.  The methods are simple, and not as "woo" as you would think.   Some methods are just simply writing to get your thoughts out, or meditating.  Other methods,  I like to say "you need to be spiritually curious to wrap your head around."   



When we are stuck it is not just a mental block there is usually a energy block as well.   Somewhere in our bodies we will hold the engergy.  This eventually causes sickness both mental and physical.   It does not let us move forward.  HERES IS WHAT HAPPENS if 
you clear a mental block and not the energy block... eventually the energy block will kick your mental block back in, and vice versa.  If you clear a energy block without doing the mindset work, your energy block will return.   When you clear both at the same time, there is a much bigger chance of it sticking.   We are all about clearing the blocks from the root.   The root of the mind, and the root of the energy block.  

When we are stuck it is not just a mental block there is usually a energy block as well.   Somewhere in our bodies we will hold the engergy.  This eventually causes sickness both mental and physical.   It does not let us move forward.  HERES IS WHAT HAPPENS if 
you clear a mental block and not the energy block... eventually the energy block will kick your mental block back in, and vice versa.  If you clear a energy block without doing the mindset work, your energy block will return.   When you clear both at the same time, there is a much bigger chance of it sticking.   We are all about clearing the blocks from the root.   The root of the mind, and the root of the energy block.  

"Chocolate cake soufflé cheesecake tart gummies. Brownie cupcake tiramisu dragée."

Emily loves this service because...

"Soufflé cheesecake tart gummies. Brownie cupcake candy poptart brownie tiramisu dragée."

juliette loves this service because...

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We all have powers that can meet any challenge. Read how to use  empathy, exploration, innovation, navigation, and activation  to  guide you along your way to empowerment.

every problem or challenge can be converted into a gift and opportunity. 

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